Celebrating the life of Danny Solis


“The body swims in the lake of the soul.”

We are sad to share news of another devastating loss. On April 6, 2023, COMPAS Teaching Artist Danny Solis passed away in his sleep during a trip to New York, where he was to speak and perform at a poetry event. We send our deepest sympathy to his family and the many others who knew and loved him. Danny’s passing is a truly profound loss. 

Danny was a beloved poet, activist, father, friend, teacher, and so much more. He was known for his humor and compassion, and for his ability to recognize the artistic potential in others, often before they recognized it in themselves. He was a champion of the underserved, an activist for social justice, and an advocate for marginalized and young artists. 

Danny's vision as a teaching artist was one of great hope and energy. He believed that poetry can and does change lives for the better and that any art can help people express themselves, tell their stories, share their realities with those around them, and thus bridge the many divides that separate us as human beings.  

He was a Poetry Slam Champion on multiple levels, including eight city championships, two regional championships, Southwestern and Southeastern, two national championships, and two international championships, both team and individual. 

Danny was also one of three American poets chosen by the U.S. State Department to go to Nepal and Botswana to perform, teach, and organize poetry slam with local artists. He served as a poetry event organizer, MC, and curator, most recently as the Director of the Day of the Dead Poets Slam, which started in 2014. In 2005 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Danny was the Director of the National Poetry Slam, the largest performance poetry event in the world. 


In addition to being an amazing artist, Danny was a connector, a pillar of the community who embraced others and made them feel as if they had finally found somewhere they belonged. He was also someone who could show incredible love and make others feel welcome, whether it was through the food he cooked for them or the incredible hospitality he offered. 

To learn more about Danny, please visit this COMPAS spotlight interview.  

Even more can be found in this lovely remembrance.

Rest in power, Danny. Your kindness, compassion, and creative vision will live in our hearts forever. 

Dawne, Julie, Joan, Matt, Emma, Marlaine, Sam - the COMPAS team