Artist in Action – Your COMPAS News Round Up


This month has given us a lot to be grateful for. For starters, we'd like to give a huge thank you to everyone who donated this year during Give to the Max Day. With your generosity and support we were able to raise over $2,500! This will go directly towards fueling the creativity within Minnesotans young and old all across the state.

You truly are making a difference. 

During Give to the Max Day we highlighted some of the storytellers that our programs and residencies create. Art comes in many different forms, but storytelling is something that transcends throughout all mediums. Two of these storytellers, Solie and Salah, really showcase their passion and talent. If you haven't seen their stories make sure to check them out!

Looking for another opportunity to support creativity in Minnesota? Consider making a gift through Community Shares of Minnesota. When you give through Community Shares and the United Arts Fund, you support our work and the work of groups advancing equity and social justice across Minnesota. Make your gift and learn more about Community Shares here.

Creative Conversations...

"For me, creativity and living everyday life fuel each other." - Fiona Avocado

Writer and Zinester Fiona Avocado

Writer and Zinester Fiona Avocado

Take a look at this month's Artist Spotlight with writer and Zinester Fiona Avocado. An artistic chameleon, Fiona draws inspiration from the natural world to the current social and political climate. She's truly one of a kind!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reptiles!

This month, visual artist and puppeteer genius, Christopher Lutter-Gardella, visitied Talahi Elementary and worked with over a hundred second-graders on a large scale dragon. This puppet came to life by using recycled materials, a method Christopher has mastered. Check out how this mythical creature came to life! This blog is the first of a series that will highlight the many programs made possible through the Minnesota State Arts Board's "Arts Learning Grant". 

The best of the best...

Come join us as we celebrate some of the best young writers and poets in Minnesota. The Celebration and Reading of COMPAS' 38th Anthology This Bursting Sound Within, will be held on Saturday, December 9th from 1 - 3 pm on the first floor of the Landmark Center in Saint Paul. These stories and poems were all created during artistic residencies with COMPAS writers, songwriters, and spoken word artists. Their passion shines through each word and it's an amazing experience not only to see but to hear. 

We hope to see you there!

16 Annual Reading by Anna Min of Min Enterprises Photography LLC_sm.jpg