Creating Better Lives & Communities - Introducing Our New Mission Statement

At COMPAS, we believe that creativity is essential.  

We also believe everyone – yes everyone – has the potential to be creative and that the skills you learn through the arts shape the rest of your life.

That is why we have unveiled a new mission statement to guide our work:

COMPAS uses the arts to unleash the creativity within all of us so we can create better lives and better communities.

Every day COMPAS artists are at work helping people from all walks of life connect with creativity. This gives them a front row seat to watch how creativity helps students of all ages adapt to new challenges and create better lives.

COMPAS Artist and Board Member Louis Porter witnesses positive effects every time he teaches writing to high school students: “I believe this project is helping the participants to take a critical look at their lives through the lens of art... Throughout the program I have watched their confidence grow and their sense of shared community has expanded as well.”

Frank Sentwali, COMPAS spoken word artist, spends weeks each school year using creativity to boost learning at Rochester STEM Academy:  “One student, who wrote a really good poem, was my success story for the week. The first three days she was very withdrawn and would not smile and was determined to not write a poem. Not only did she write a poem, but she performed it, and walked out of class on the last day with a huge smile on her face, thanking me for pushing her.”

COMPAS artist Zoe Bird brings a dose of creativity and joy into older adult residential facilities, often working with people who have Alzheimer’s disease.  “For older adults, I can make a safe space for them to enjoy imagination and make their voice heard.  For these participants, that is no small thing.”

What about you? We’d love to hear how creativity has helped you adapt and create a better life – comment below with your stories.

Thank you for helping us fulfill our mission to use the arts to unleash the creativity within all of us so we can create better lives and better communities.