Impact & Financials

COMPAS has brought art into the lives of thousands of Minnesotans all across the state. You are invited to learn more about our impact and transparency.

HomeWhat We DoImpact & Financials

Impact: Why the Arts Matter

The arts have long been used to aid in healing, provide a means of expression, nurture academic growth, and build strong, cohesive communities. Download and read The Art of Creative Positive Change and learn how!

Financials & Annual Reports

Gold Transparency 2024 Candid. Seal

We participate in Candid, the online standard for nonprofit accountability. View our profile.

Charities Review Council: Meet Standards Seal

We are proud to meet the Charities Review Council standards for nonprofit transparency and excellence.

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COMPAS is an arts education nonprofit that puts creativity in the hands of Minnesotans, regardless of their age, background, or skills. Based in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metro area, COMPAS teaching artists deliver creative experiences and arts programming across Minnesota.

Minnesota State Arts Board LogoLegacy Amendment Logo

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.