Partner with Us

There are many ways your company or organization can further your objectives by partnering with COMPAS.

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A group of people at a corporate event listen to an artist performing on the mic.

Join Our Mission: Making Arts Accessible to All

Whether your company strives to increase your employee diversity by strengthening underserved communities within or adjacent to your company headquarters or you want to demonstrate your corporate values in your philanthropy, COMPAS is here to help you reach your goals of equity and inclusion. 

COMPAS exists to create access to creative experiences for all Minnesotans, including you and your employees.  Together we can reach our mutual goals of creating a thriving Minnesota for all. Reach out to get the conversation started about partnership or about bringing us to your next corporate retreat or conference.

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COMPAS is an arts education nonprofit that puts creativity in the hands of Minnesotans, regardless of their age, background, or skills. Based in the Minneapolis-Saint Paul metro area, COMPAS teaching artists deliver creative experiences and arts programming across Minnesota.

Minnesota State Arts Board LogoLegacy Amendment Logo

This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.