Poetry: Lessons of Love

Poetry: Lessons of Love

You've listened about it in music. You've watched it blossom between your favorite sitcom characters. You've read about it in a novel turned movie years later. But the one thing that reigns true: no matter how often it's told, no experience of love is ever the same. These mediums portray the "butterflies in your stomach" experience well but there's something truly special about reading a poem that expresses the universal emotion of love.

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Inside the COMPAS Studio with Emma Seeley

Inside the COMPAS Studio with Emma Seeley

Get to know Arts Program and Marketing Coordinator, Emma Seeley, in our first ever Inside the COMPAS Studio. Year after year, COMPAS unleashes creativity far and wide throughout Minnesota. You don't always see it, but there's a passionate and fearless team behind the scenes working relentlessly to bring the best-of-the-best artistic experiences to all our participants. Who are these art-loving, dream-making and charismatic individuals you ask? Let's take a look shall we...

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